The United Nations observes international widows Day every 23rd of June since 2011, to draw attention to the voices and experiences of widows and to galvanize the unique support that they need. In today’s losing a husband or a partner to death can be an extremely saddening experience, and for many women in the world, becoming a widow can be the beginning of a whole new set of challenges such as providing and meeting the needs of the family.

Through her empowerment scheme, Anneozeng Ogozi Aid Foundation (AOAF) was able to provide free training for 50 vulnerable widows on different pastries such as meat pie, fish roll, doughnut, puff-puff and chin-chin; to mark this year’s International Widows Day at Aleyita community located in AMAC, Abuja.

AOAF intends to continue helping more vulnerable widows become financially independent and be of meaningfully impact in their communities.