AOA Foundations visited Kaida community, Gwagwalada 23rd January 2020.
It was an emotional day The community standard of living is very backward as they lack a lot of basic amenities such as;
-Good Roads
-Health Care Centre
-Potable Water
-Power Supply
-Educational facilities
Their source of water supply is a stream where they wash, drink, bath and defecate. They have a medical centre without drugs and with only one bed. Most of the children in the community are malnourished.

The community is not receptive to education and most of the children will need to walk over 20kilometres to get to school.

It was so emotional!

The Foundation, in her own little way supported the community with the following -Supplied drugs to the health center such as malaria, typhoid, multi-Vitamins, deworming for adult and children, drips etc. -Gave out educational materials to children in seminary school in the village -Gave scholarship to 36 orphans -Gave clothing to children and adults

As part of the foundations promise to humanity